He also wrote many poems to Javed Iqbal, indirectly addressing the Muslim youth.
Underlying theme in all his works is social issues addressed either directly or indirectly.
He would work with a musician for at least six months, observing the musician's technique, asking questions, and devising new exercises to indirectly address the problem.
Designers have focused their skills and knowledge in creating designed artifacts, and indirectly addressed larger issues within this creative process.
There is a very long and enlightening article written by him (which only indirectly addresses the "gyp" issue) here.
In case the director is indirectly addressing feminist critics of this film's premise, he's right to worry.
It is not only the Knesset, however, which has been repeatedly obliged to directly or indirectly address these issues.
The potential influence of competitors on a company's fortunes is too significant to be indirectly addressed as a side issue of market/industry analyses.
This group would also like to indirectly address the French government, which likes to refer to a new spirit in its cooperation relationships.
The data field could only be indirectly addressed.