The cutaneous electrogastrography and provides an indirect representation of the electrical activity but it is much easier and therefore cutaneous electrogastrography has been used most frequently.
Paraphrase, summary and other forms of indirect representation of other texts allow for a greater transformation of the object text, from minor rewordings to allegorical exegesis.
Under this type of indirect representation you may be held responsible for any deferment debts incurred by the importer you represent.
The statement on a customs declaration indicating that you are acting in direct representation or indirect representation will normally be accepted unless we need to check the accuracy of the statement.
If you are an authorised CFSP trader making declarations on behalf of your principals (clients), this can only be made by way of indirect representation.
He would have a lot of indirect representation.
State legislatures also retained the theoretical right to "instruct" their senators to vote for or against proposals, giving them both direct and indirect representation in the federal government.
This new government did have indirect representation, based on the Cadiz model.
The one we know is based on indirect representation by professional politicians controlled by party factions.
Representatives never hold the power to select other representatives, presidents, or other officers of government (indirect representation).