Morgan, on the other hand, wrote that "the president was using his usual indirect pressure and the power of silence.
That puts indirect pressure on low-fare carriers to cut fares even lower to beat the major airlines.
Wilpon conceded that Howe might have felt some indirect pressure to use players with higher salaries.
But poorer countries are often vulnerable to indirect pressure.
And they said it was the quality of their programs, not direct or indirect pressure from Education Department officials, that explained their popularity.
We do not seem to have a word for this kind of indirect pressure, though Suppression of dissent comes closer than censorship.
But some judges say the agency still exerts indirect pressure to hold down the benefits.
"It was indirect pressure on the clubs," White said.
Campaigning sometimes involves raising an issue in parliament in order to put indirect pressure on a government department.
In its new position the Mindsword rocked, slowly and precariously, with every indirect pressure from his hand.