Universities routinely submit indirect expenses totaling the maximum percentage they negotiated.
Companies with investment business may deduct certain indirect expenses known as "expenses of management" when calculating their taxable profits.
The VPA Pilots volunteer all costs associated with the flight: time, direct operating expenses, fees, and indirect expenses, such as wear and tear or depreciation.
For these services, the CFSCI receives reimbursement or direct and indirect expenses related to grant administration.
Asthma costs the United States $16.1 billion annually in direct and indirect expenses, including $5 billion for drugs to control asthma attacks.
International Obligation- maintenance of socio economic obligation, cultural exchange etc. (these are indirect expenses of government)
Real costs are the sum of all direct and indirect expenses associated with the transfer.
The rest is in indirect expenses, a category that covers what the teams and concessions spend on supplies as well as what the employees spend their paychecks on.
In addition, there is an amount included for the indirect expenses.
Mr. Thornburgh's 48 trips in the last year have cost taxpayers $159,000 in direct expenses and $32,000 for indirect expenses, documents that were released today show.