Nascent industry would begin using indigenous resources: the manufacture of plastics, ceramics and glass.
These indigenous resources that used to define Long Island seem to be vanishing not with a bang, but a whimper.
Another conference at Llangollen on Wednesday examines how indigenous cultural resources can generate economic growth.
These three words refer to one whose aim is to overthrow a government by armed force, largely through use of indigenous resources.
It is always interesting to learn about the culinary habits of cultures around the globe and how they have evolved to use indigenous natural resources.
Frequencies were distributed so that local needs, interests and convenience would be served by indigenous resources.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are the result of the genius of our scientists and indigenous resources.
There was an ample water supply and an indigenous resource of synthesizable food to hand.
Without her adept intervention the task of understanding indigenous resources and mentalities would have been difficult for Cortes.
In these areas the only indigenous resources that can be fully utilized are the fish in our waters.