Martín, the illegitimate son of Luís and an indigenous peasant, becomes a trade union leader during that period.
This demographic decline was particularly attributed to a drop in the number of indigenous peasants living in rural areas.
He continued to practice with makeup in Vietnam, often frightening indigenous peasants by appearing to suddenly transform into a "monster".
Therefore they descided to start a program, without government intervetion, aiming at signing agreements with the indigenous peasants of Chiapas, on the following basis:
During the afternoon, several dozen indigenous peasants were marched by civic movement protesters to Sucre's central square, the Plaza 25 de Mayo.
In the late-1970s and early-1980s, the Guatemalan army killed tens of thousands of civilian indigenous peasants during so-called 'counter-insurgency' operations.
Hundreds of thousands of indigenous peasants fled the countryside, seeking refuge in Mexico or the relative safety of the cities.
With the acquiescence of major multinational corporations, the security forces began forcibly evicting indigenous peasants from their land, which had been in their possession for centuries.
The agreements promised land, education and projects for the indigenous peasants, who accounted for most of the dead.
At the same time, the Saint Andrés agreements and the rights of the indigenous peasants are not being observed.