As more European immigrants (Pākehā) arrived, the pressure on the indigenous Māori to sell land increased.
The peak is known as Owairaka by the indigenous Māori.
She is particularly interested in the cultural and political clash of the indigenous Maoris and the white settlers.
The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority.
The word "Aotearoa" was added to the title of the denomination in 1990, affirming the treaty partnership between the indigenous Māori and the subsequent settlers.
The colonists had a dramatic effect on the indigenous Maori, bringing religion, technology, and the English language.
This liberal tradition flourished with increased enfranchisement for indigenous Maori in the 1880s and women.
Its indigenous Māori constitute one of the major cultures of Polynesia.
The Haka is the traditional war dance of the indigenous Maori in New Zealand.
In New Zealand, the indigenous Māori (see also Iwi) constitute nearly 15% of the total population.