The indifferent voice emerged once more from the loudspeaker: 'That is impossible.
The receptionist told him in her crisp, indifferent voice that the doctor was at clinic today and did he need the number.
Have no fear, husband," went on Suzanne in the same clear, indifferent voice, "for you do not leave me to be his prey.
I asked in an indifferent voice, though my heart burned to hear his answer.
"I'm not going to build a line through one of their blighted areas," he said in the same indifferent voice.
But, even if he couldn't face her, he loosed his indifferent voice.
With an effort the doctor managed to say in an indifferent voice, "No reason.
A slight hint of humor touched his normally indifferent voice.
The indifferent voice said thinly, "I know nothing of right.
"She has gone, too," said one of the men in an indifferent voice.