But every adventure has irritations, and here indifferent service, high prices and hungry no-see-ums take the lead.
Both offered prices fixed by the state, limited selection, indifferent service.
The food is delicate, with lots of ginger, mint and coriander, and makes the sometimes indifferent service less important.
And what we'll get is patients in long lines, indifferent service and a huge new tax burden.
Anyone who has experienced the worst of Aeroflot's scowling, indifferent service knows it will not be an easy transition.
The battery-chicken space; the indifferent service (if you start panicking will the cabin crew come quickly?
There is an expectation that he will address the longstanding complaints about the inefficient and indifferent service from City Hall.
Convenience stores, where employee turnover is high and transactions are about as basic as it gets, seemed like the perfect setting for indifferent service.
The contemporary design, soaring ceilings and foxy crowd make up for the indifferent service.
Retail customers report slow and indifferent service on bugs.