The indictment charged that in the same period, they spent more than $750,000 on personal purchases and private school for their children.
But after five years there have been no new indictments charging sexual or physical abuse.
According to an indictment charging them with fraud, the three men made $7.3 million from the scheme.
The indictment also charged both men with conspiring to kill Americans around the world.
The indictment charged that the embezzlement began in 1998 and continued through last summer.
Yesterday's indictments charged a wide array of people and businesses.
The indictment charged that the system was enforced by organized crime members who used threats of physical force.
The indictment charged More with having taken the fees on July 17 and 24.
The indictments charge that illegal acts occurred from 1984 through December 1987.
Once investors had bought the stock, the defendants refused to let them sell, the indictment charged.