The Pope relied on gestures and insider language to indicate his views on human rights questions.
Throughout the trip, the Pope used gestures and buzzwords to indicate his views on human rights controversies.
The most important player in deciding how the money would be spent, Gov. George E. Pataki, has not indicated his views.
Indicate your views about the likely causal relationship between these two variables by selecting the appropriate percentages in each case.
The importance of this today is the different positions held by Trotskyists groups on this question - indicating their views on programme and epoch.
The Justice Department, in its response, usually indicates its views on the merits of the case.
The head of the British liaison mission reported that Yoshida had indicated his views on a peace treaty and associated issues:
Such actions do not indicate a Justice's views on the merits of the legal dispute.
Soviet officials have not previously indicated their views on such a proposal.
Justice Kennedy, the newest member of the Court, had not previously indicated his views on abortion.