When, after six failures, we did get that moon-landing sound indicating electronic contact, the triumph was short-lived.
Garrera believes that's very unlikely, in part because the stains indicated contact with a wound, rather than "splatter."
Such a result, however, does indicate contact with the disease, and treatment may therefore be necessary to stop the infection from progressing.
Like the inessive, the elative can also be used to indicate time or immediate contact.
He was set free more than 700km from his home and no records indicate further colonial contact.
No accepted material evidence has been found that would indicate contact between Mesoamerica and Old World cultures.
Unwelcome in part because they indicated contact with the rebels that must go beyond those farcical negotiations.
They seem to indicate prolonged contact, possibly up to 1450.
Drug involvement also indicates contact with a criminal underworld that compromises an officer's integrity and could put fellow officers at risk.
Ahead, startled yells and a rising roar of enthusiasm indicated first contact with the palace guard.