The index i represents the ith component of an eigenvector.
This index represents the whole world, except the United States and some markets that limit participation by foreigners or else are just too small.
The index represents the biggest and most liquid stocks traded in individual countries.
This means that investable indices do not represent the total universe of hedge funds.
Dr. Bank points out that indexes do not represent short positions, so the comparisons are difficult to make.
The index, at 60.3 percent, represented the highest rate of growth since July, when it stood at 62.7 percent.
The index uses 1982 as its 100 base and represents the value of all newly started construction.
The other indices in Karachi Stock Exchange represents total return of the market.
The index -1 represents the last element, -2 the penultimate element, etc.
Because this index represents a blend of short- and long-term rates, it has declined even while some individual rates have risen.