The index of Bonynge's edition lists the following numbers.
The index listed the top 25 consumer companies by reputation.
An index lists nearly 1,500 additional terms, each with the appropriate headword, usually a synonym, steering the reader to the text.
It is also unfortunate that the index lists dishes only in English and does not give their Italian names.
Her index must list ALL the books and their locations in the library.
The index lists many of the people, places and works of art mentioned in the book:
The index to that publication lists the names of Abrahall and Abrell together on the same line.
The index lists the most significant words from each quotation.
There is a conventional table of contents and an index lists each story alphabetically by its author's last name.
The index will list some of the reports and papers related to each project and give contact points to whom inquiries about them should be addressed.