Yakut Shamanism divides the universe into upper and lower layers, with the earth being "a kind of indeterminate space or matter" in between.
In the 1920's canvases and a few sculptures shown here, he coaxes still lifes, nudes and portraits out of indeterminate space by suave handling of color and modeling.
A small brown sparrow appeared from the indeterminate upper spaces of the courtyard, alighting on the branch of an ornamental plum tree.
Tightly framed by the viewing slots, the actual works hover in the indeterminate space behind the wall with an almost hallucinatory vividness.
Since then he has continually presented new projects, each one of them containing creative issues, for example, "Phenomenological Aesthetics", "Madang; Specific indeterminate space", "Architectural Landscape", "Structuring Emptiness; ethics over aesthetics".
His so-called "black nudes" are minimally detailed figures that emerge from mysterious, indeterminate space.
Street lights and standard lamp, bedside table and buildings all occupy the same indeterminate space, with almost total seamlessness, the tram clanking past the backdrop of the bedspread.
The subject here is death, the main character a vast indeterminate space, variously subterranean, desert-like or aerial.
Into a black-walled and indeterminate space defined by blue light and the uprights of gilded girders.
Like the gelatin of primeval life, they float in indeterminate spaces that might be seen as enlargements of microscopic environments.