I still feel an indescribable joy when I do.
An indescribable joy filled her at seeing her words, her story set in print for the first time.
Or, in the middle of a mundane day, he would find himself filled with an indescribable joy, as if everything suddenly made sense.
It was an indescribable joy to experience such speed, to watch the world flashing by.
It was a moment of indescribable joy, like learning I could fly.
"I am here today at a time of almost indescribable joy, but also in a time of sadness."
An indescribable joy possessed me, as if joy were some force that came from outside me.
To my indescribable joy, those pale eyelids fluttered open; the dry lips stirred.
Her world spun, too, and for the first time she knew the indescribable joy of being anchored safely in her lover's embrace.
'Only by living at the edge of death can you understand the indescribable joy of life.'