THE scene following the tragic blast was one of indescribable confusion.
In less than an hour the battle was over; Confederate soldiers were bolting to the rear "in utter and indescribable confusion," according to General Price.
He felt a strange vertigo, an indescribable confusion; but he succeeded in mastering it.
There is indescribable confusion.
A scene of indescribable confusion was taking place on the platform.
Instantly the whole concourse began to break up in indescribable confusion.
I was in indescribable confusion.
All unit organization had disappeared into the indescribable confusion of savage hand-to-hand combat, but he found himself briefly behind the battle driving steadily aft.
It was a scene of indescribable confusion and uproar.
Shelf-fungi, large and small, white, yellow, orange, and green, in indescribable confusion and luxuriance, covered the cliffside.