The floor of the circular mall below was an indescribable gray-green color.
His eyes were very large and luminous, of an indescribable purplish color, and did not flinch, as I had occasion to observe, before the most intense light.
A beard of indescribable color descended to twin points near his belly button, which was exposed through a long ragged tear in his shirt.
Stunning, almost indescribable color.
The entrance's salmon-colored interior is trimmed in an indescribable color - plum brown?
"Max," Rizz said and the world behind Fabian's eyes shifted into the indescribable color of the Bolian's voice.
The dreams had little substance, but they shimmered with vibrancy, with streaks and flags of almost indescribable color.
A star with seven points, radiating indescribable colours - 'No!'
Once or twice she started, convinced that she had seen a flash of indescribable color, diffused and expanded by the curious, curling mist.
Its incredibly exquisite petals opened on the room, spraying indescribable colors in every direction.