The band kicked off the album with a heartland tour and the launch of an independent website.
The Sinner is an independent website and discussion forum set up by students of the university.
As you can see, this is totally different from China ordering an independent website not to exist because it paints them in a bad light.
An independent non-commercial website has been set up about the marine park.
Many larger schools have independent websites set up for the purpose of facilitating such trade.
They launched an independent website,, in April 2006 and began writing the book.
Wikileaks is very new compared to many other excellent independent websites which have been leaking important stories for years.
The site has grown to be the most visited independent environmental website in the world, showing that people still care about environmental issues.
Due to the decentralized nature of the project, several independent websites are participating in the effort.
An independent website can be found at