The goal of the overarching title was to create a sense of unity and prerogative between the independent militias.
Leaders of the occupying forces have said they will not authorize independent militias for fear of civil war.
General Dempsey also raised concern about the role played by independent militias during the crisis.
But there are at least two hundred ethnic groups in southern Sudan and, amid general scarcity, an ominous abundance of arms and independent militias.
Instead the colonies depended on an independent militia made up mostly of civilian farmers, with few weapons and controlled by the individual colony.
He involved in, and became the leader of, "D" Company Buffalo City Guard (an independent militia), before the war.
He soon discovers a vicious splintering among the anti-Fascist forces, made up of various independent militia.
Dale, the teen-age proprietor of the town's general store, raises a small independent militia composed of various refugees.
None of the provisions of that cease-fire was met in full: The fighting did not really end, nor were independent militias disarmed.
Following this event, the armed forces of the new government and allied independent militias mounted a siege on the city.