The organization's stated aim is "to serve as a neutral, independent forum for open dialogue on public policy." (an independent forum for Nashville School of Law students)
Our independent forum publicly challenged the authorities to respond with their own committee.
Earlier, members of the independent forum had refused to sit down with representatives of the organizations under investigation.
It now functions "as a commentator on university affairs", that is, an independent forum where members of Congregation can debate academic policy.
As an independent forum, priorities can be agreed and joint positions on environmental issues can be developed.
It provides an independent forum of debate about drugs policy for academics, practitioners, psychiatrists, and specialist commentators.
The Society provides an independent forum for debate for all - reflecting its inclusive nature.
Excellent customer service doesn't cost anything - if you read the commentary on independent forums, such as the forum on business traveller.
Many tools have independent forums that provide varying levels of support or assistance.