As an independent faction, it originated in the first major split within the Saint Thomas Christian community.
United Nations peacekeepers are also present as an independent faction.
There are 128 parties and independent factions listed, covering just the period since 1964.
During much of that time, the city administration found opposition mainly from a liberal "independent" faction of the Democratic Party.
Smaller, independent factions are represented as rebel clans and ronin.
Cult Leaders recruit followers at night instead of kill; they act as an independent faction, usually with the ability to talk at night.
The expansion adds cults to the game, which are independent factions with their own agendas.
This list excludes those of post-war, independent factions.
The Union is now well established as an independent faction.
He leaves a country with a rapidly expanding economy, with independent parliamentary factions, an opposition television station and an often lively press.