First he fights in an independent Marxist division that was apparently kept deliberately undersupplied.
And so now both the major studios and their independent divisions find themselves short of films.
At this time it still was an independent division within Micron.
In practice, this meant little change for the league as the new Bezirksliga was immediately sub-divided into two independent, regional divisions.
Recently, he has said that selling part or all of some of the newly independent divisions is possible and even likely.
Expository, excursion and exhibition security service is an independent structural division of the Centre.
Assigned as an independent division in the Transcaucasus Military District when the war began.
This was set up as an independent division in the year 1995 and upgraded to a full department in the year 2005.
HSE has an independent division which aims to ensure high standards in software production.
In 2006, an independent division was created in order to distribute Italian documentary content all around the world.