However, many Faihriem sub-clans scattered in different areas and came to live within the fold of other tribes or came to exist as an independent clan.
Luzumane's descendants developed into different clans independent from each other under their own governance system who would later proceed with the natural movement of people.
The Dinka people have no centralised political authority, instead comprising many independent but interlinked clans.
True, the fiercely independent clans had made no obvious moves against the Hansa, but neither did they have Earth's best interests in mind.
Rather, each Commission serves as a representative mechanism for consultation of independent clans who decide by consensus.
The name originated in Scotland and belonged to a branch of the Clan Donald; they became an independent clan in 1493.
Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan.
However, this was not more than a loose confederation of independent clans who recognised a single king.
At this time in Anatolia there were many independent Turkish clans with little unity among them.
Ryūzōji Takanobu was attacking a number of independent clans close to his territories.