The Bush administration's concerns are shared by the Government Accountability Office, an independent investigative arm of Congress.
It's a totally independent arm of the government.
The new van cost $97,000 and was financed by a $250,000 grant of the Gannett Foundation, an independent arm of the communications company.
He died in 1778 after firmly establishing the Hussars as an independent arm of the French cavalry.
Despite their name, they're a totally independent arm of the government.
In their experiment, the researchers trained rats to manipulate an independent robotic arm to bring water from a dropper to their mouths.
The Ministry has two Ministerial level officers, each heading one independent arm of the Ministry.
The budget office, an independent arm of Congress, said that estimate was low by about $4 billion, putting the cost of the first phase at $29.5 billion.
Breaking with the previously triangular organization of military units, the group armies combined formerly independent arms or services into a comprehensive combat unit.
The rear wheels are connected to independent arms and are fixed to face directly forward.