The company said it relied on an independent appraisal for the valuation.
He said he may take the price the company offers, which, based on independent appraisals, will be less than $205,000.
To provide further assurance of fairness, the city called for an independent appraisal.
"Call us lucky or smart, but before we even move in, the building will have appreciated by 30 percent," based on independent appraisals.
The custom in these situations is for the employee to get the average of two separate, independent appraisals.
We are happy that an independent appraisal puts its worth in the $18 million range.
After all of that, an independent appraisal put the value of the building at only $5 million.
If it is worth more than $5,000, you typically need an independent appraisal.
The company noted, however, that the estimates had not been verified by independent appraisals.
If you are considering investing in property to let we will be pleased to provide an independent appraisal of the likely return.