Yes, in short Germany has to pony up the money needed to bail out the overly indebted nations.
Mexico and Peru, both heavily indebted nations, are major producers.
The Brady plan to provide relief to the most indebted nations is forcing new losses at American banks.
The discussion focused on how poor, deeply indebted nations could move beyond debt relief.
The more indebted the nation is, the greater the danger of spikes in interest rates.
Here is a look at the latest debt numbers for the second most indebted nation on earth:
"Donor countries can also write off loans to heavily indebted nations," Hood pointed out.
The immediate goal of the plan is to give hopelessly indebted nations a chance to wipe the slate clean.
Yes we are, considering that we are the most indebted nation on the planet.
Nigeria, which owes about $36 billion overall, is one of the most indebted nations in the world.