If you're late submitting your return or payment you may incur a penalty and interest may also be charged.
Fear of not finishing by the fifteenth and being forced to file extensions and incurring penalties and interest.
Additionally, El-Gamal owes more than $227,000 in unpaid real estate taxes which are currently incurring interest.
Our credit cards often incurred interest because we were not always able to pay them in full each month.
They will therefore incur a late filing penalty as well as interest on the unpaid tax.
This will ensure that your payment is received, and will help to avoid you incurring a penalty, interest or surcharge for late payment.
In both countries, credit cards may also offer a similar period in which purchases made with the card do not incur interest.
You may include cumulative net underdeclarations from previous returns of amounts not exceeding £10,000 or the limit described in paragraph 15.3 on your return without incurring interest.
In this respect, it differs from a loan and does not incur debt or interest.
The interest payments, as before, will still be deductible, and if the homeowners have improved the house, they can add that in before incurring nondeductible interest.