Redesign of the T.1 airframe to accommodate the heavier Sunbeam Arab incurred further delays.
Intercity lines are not included in the project but may incur fewer delays as trains pass through the suburban area and benefit from the improved reliability of suburban services.
And what does he mean when he says his workers incurred delays when they went to get replacement parts for the van?
In this sense the work is not actually performed by the requester, but it incurs delays anyway because of the latency to get the required tokens.
The schedule for Ares I has incurred several delays since the inception of the new lunar program.
International Harvester incurred significant delays in resuming operations.
"This way you don't incur three- or four-hour delays at Newark," he said.
We've already incurred delays that we can't make up by following our usual route south.
Consumer disputes require finely tuned mechanisms that do not incur disproportionate costs and delays relative to the value of the product or service about which the complaint has been made.
Congestion is common at peak times and trains often incur delays for following trains down the line at Oxford Road.