Although Latin America is becoming increasingly urban, rural society still represents a very sizable sector.
The Mexican population is increasingly urban, with close to 75% of the population living in cities.
Until World War II the village was mainly agricultural, but since then it has become increasingly urban.
As the human world is increasingly urban, the demands it makes fall increasingly on its hinterland.
In 1931, the downtown area was designated Gyeongju-eup, in recognition of its increasingly urban nature.
The country is increasingly urban.
In our increasingly urban world, no government that can hope to stop or ignore the challenges posed by migration to cities.
Many politicians relied on intimidated or loyal peasant voters in the countryside, even though the population was becoming increasingly urban.
Decades after historians declared that the state's increasingly urban population had divorced itself from the land, the land has proved it can still strike back.
The old way of doing things no longer fits an increasingly urban and sophisticated nation, they say.