The choreography grows increasingly turbulent, and the ballet builds to a stirring climax in which forces of heroism triumph over disruption.
Political and economic conditions in Boston were increasingly turbulent.
The developers wanted a policy to guide their projects through an increasingly turbulent and uncertain approval process.
Mr. Biden's remarks were part of a speech in which he outlined his views on what to do about the increasingly turbulent judicial confirmation process.
In "The Sea," for example, the orchestra supports a haunting vocal line with soft-edged string writing that grows increasingly turbulent.
"Your mama certainly loves the water, kiddo," he said as he watched Menley dive into the increasingly turbulent waves.
As its relationship with Nike became increasingly turbulent, Wieden & Kennedy executives had looked to another big client, Microsoft, for future growth.
The water is constricted by the vertical walls of the canyon and becomes increasingly turbulent as it shoots through the narrow gorge.
The increasingly turbulent political situation was complicated by the rise of ethnic violence in the north in mid-1990.
His private life was also becoming increasingly turbulent.