Even during his short career, the face of Nebraska changed; the sod houses of his earlier photographs are increasingly supplanted by frame buildings in his later ones.
It remained the principle handgun of the Italian Army until it was increasingly supplanted by the Glisenti Model 1910.
Once approved, the plans would be another victory in the ambitious quest for reinvention in the Bronx, where eyesores are increasingly supplanted by new development.
These coins continued to be minted into the 20th century, albeit increasingly supplanted by French colonial coinage.
As a result, it was increasingly supplanted by the 18-pounder.
Mr. Cushman tells us how the idea of character came to be replaced by personality, how heroes gave way to celebrities, how manual labor was increasingly supplanted by sales.
Now, however, the slap of shuttles on rickety hand looms is becoming fainter as the values and traditions of rural life are increasingly supplanted by urban attitudes and tastes.
In recent years, however, the mirror games postmodernists have played with the real world have been increasingly supplanted by a solemn preoccupation with real-life issues and ideas.
Thereafter, it was increasingly supplanted by the shortened form of Albert or Elbert.
The town hall meetings of New England and other regions of the U.S. seem increasingly supplanted by "electronic spheres" not limited by space and time.