Barto and Mann were headliners in theaters and clubs throughout the late 1920s and the 1930s, increasingly sharing their performances with feature films.
The fact that such bands are increasingly sharing space with people they spent most of their time railing against might seem strange.
In many areas, especially northern Bengal, they had to increasingly share the revenue with intermediate tenure holders, called jotedars, who supervised farming in the villages.
Antiques dealers increasingly share turf with art galleries, hip new restaurants and shops selling a broad assortment of goods from home furnishings to funky apparel.
NOW that the Internet's young, high-spending set is increasingly sharing cyperspace with older, less affluent users, some significant electronic commerce opportunities are emerging.
On Tuesday, defense officials testified before Congress that their department was improving data tracking and increasingly sharing medical information with Veterans Affairs.
All Cadillacs had been downsized for 1936, were effectively junior cars ever since, increasingly sharing components with lesser divisions.
As the game industry has gained a mass audience, mainstream retailers are increasingly sharing in the profits.
We are increasingly sharing this responsibility between us, however.
Australia increasingly shared Washington's desire to curb communism in Asia, and slowly found itself dragged into the quagmire of south-east Asia.