The nobles together with the upper class bourgeoisie felt threatened by an increasingly self-confident general populace, and sought the king's protection of their privileges.
The Muslims' Attitude What no one here can gauge, however, is whether the increasingly self-confident Bosnian Serb leadership will respond to pressure from Moscow and Belgrade.
The merchants, who set up the council with the lesser nobility (ministeriales), became increasingly self-confident.
Gizzy to her friends, Gisborne's a pretty thing and increasingly self-confident.
Bush administration officials take seriously the potential danger of an increasingly self-confident government in Tehran, given its history of supporting terrorism against Israel and antagonism toward America.
Lawmakers, now labeled merely "private citizens" by the increasingly self-confident Yeltsin Government, huddle with one another.
There is no cumulation of results from chapter to chapter, only an increasingly self-confident reiteration of the same slogans.
Friends found that George became increasingly self-confident as he realized that he had a talent for social leadership.
With the French language more dominant in Montreal than it has been since the 1760's, separatism is on the back burner and Quebecers are increasingly self-confident and outward looking.
Partly it may be that in an increasingly self-confident and democratic Taiwan, people are more comfortable voicing their reservations.