Modern criticism tends to focus on the increasingly secular and democratic nature of Western society.
So one finds it difficult to view highbrow culture's disappearance as anything but inevitable in an increasingly secular civilization.
Who'd have thought that at this point in the 21st century, in an increasingly secular society, we'd need God's house more than ever?
But now Poland, in its transition to democracy, is becoming increasingly secular.
It was subject to increasingly secular control from the late 15th century into the 16th century.
Now to do so, with the entire nation becoming increasingly secular, would simply be irrelevant.
But those within the church say that the increasingly secular nature of American life has taken the biggest toll on vocations.
Q. What relevance does Mary bear for an increasingly secular world?
As the western world grows increasingly secular, sport has become a broader church than the church itself.
He conducted that negotiation in the context of an increasingly secular society.