The council passed laws that increasingly restricted the rights which free blacks enjoyed under Spanish control.
Post independence, in the 1950s, India continued to struggle with feeding its population and the government increasingly restricting trading in food commodities.
State and federal laws increasingly restrict where people can smoke, and taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products are higher than ever.
At the same time, according to network correspondents based in Israel, Israeli Army officers are increasingly restricting television crews from entering their jurisdictions.
Prisons are increasingly restricting tobacco smoking.
Similarly, gun control, another issue opposed by Buchananites, is less about guns than it is about control - the feeling that government is increasingly restricting their choices.
Rising debt would increasingly restrict policymakers' ability to use tax and spending policies to respond to unexpected challenges, such as economic downturns or financial crises.
"Absent robust protection, copyright owners may increasingly restrict their best television programming to cable and satellite networks," Senator Hollings, Democrat of South Carolina, wrote.
With the rapid expansion of the city of Nanjing, the military Dajiaochang Airport, originally far from the city, is surrounded by the urban area and increasingly restricting its development.
The first was to weaken the prestige of the king's government by increasingly restricting the sphere of its influence and thereby to loosen its hold the rest of the administration.