At this point, after several years of increasingly prohibitive tax laws, many investors are becoming leery of Russia.
With the costs of longer mini-series becoming increasingly prohibitive, Masterpiece Theater will be turning more frequently to these kinds of shorter, often self-contained productions.
But wind is coming full circle, making a comeback as the price and accessibility of fossil fuels make it an increasingly prohibitive method for energy production.
Companies looking to raise their presence abroad through acquisitions are finding the price increasingly prohibitive.
As funeral costs become increasingly prohibitive and attitudes about the hereafter change, cremation is on the rise.
And as more and more people take to the skies, Atlanta and other cities have little choice but to make do with existing airports, for the cost of building new ones is increasingly prohibitive.
The regulatory codes, the environmental reviews, the labor contracts - all skewed by a market-domineering Manhattan, in Mr. Muss's view - make it increasingly prohibitive to build in the other boroughs.
The cost of research is increasingly prohibitive.
Publishing companies are forming alliances with everyone and everything from Oprah Winfrey to MTV as a way to combat the punishing economics of the newsstand and to control the increasingly prohibitive cost of acquiring readers.
However, according to Pease, a major matter of concern isn't only the rising cost of tuition, but the increasingly prohibitive hidden costs of the textbooks and course materials for class.