Discussion of family support often seems to assume geographical propinquity, which is increasingly problematic.
Gun crime is increasingly problematic; there have been more than 25 murders in 2011, the majority as a result of shootings.
However, since he'd added stars to his collar, the issue of their relationship and Pamela's profession had become increasingly problematic.
As a result of these changes, Washington's ability to influence distant events is becoming increasingly problematic.
The son had a number of personal problems that made his choice as successor to the father increasingly problematic.
Live performances were increasingly problematic, due to her alcoholism.
I believe that America's comparatively low tolerance for war casualties is going to become increasingly problematic in coming years.
The distinction between health and social care is not an easy one to make, but it is likely to become increasingly problematic.
As processes continue to shrink, this becomes increasingly problematic.
The term "Pentecostal" in the church's original name soon proved to be increasingly problematic.