In fact, there is no conflict in the minds of owners who are operating on an increasingly pragmatic bottom line.
Increasingly pragmatic, Beijing now focuses its foreign policy on creating a secure regional and international environment that will foster economic growth.
But Mali's foreign policy orientation became increasingly pragmatic and pro-Western over time.
While allegiances dating back to the liberation struggle remain relevant, Mozambique's foreign policy has become increasingly pragmatic.
Its foreign policy is increasingly pragmatic, nuanced and consistent, eschewing the petulant stances that seemed in times past to reflect an underlying inferiority complex.
Meanwhile, increasingly pragmatic third world countries are no longer so quick to blame the developed world for their problems.
Mali's foreign policy orientation has become increasingly pragmatic and pro-Western over time.
According to the same analysis, the New Right is becoming increasingly pragmatic, as shown by their decision to increase taxes following the 2010 Chilean earthquake.
Increasingly pragmatic elements in the Middle East are starting to acknowledge the threat posed by this organization to the Palestinian cause.
Busy, stressed-out parents became increasingly pragmatic about eating out and ordering in.