The pro-Western government in Kabul looks increasingly powerless and irrelevant.
And with the collapse of that romance and the frustration of many of his political ambitions, he began to feel increasingly powerless and detached.
No wonder some of the old and sick, as they become increasingly powerless, prefer to exercise this final control over their destiny.
Susan tries desperately to capture and kill the mysterious vigilante, but remains increasingly powerless to stop him.
Increasingly powerless in the face of events, Gorbachev resigned from his office on December 25, and the Soviet Union formally ended its existence the next day.
With the expansion of the Persian, Greek, and Roman empires, the Hebrew people grew increasingly powerless.
Nevertheless, 2001 has seen those mighty oil giants grow increasingly powerless - even helpless - in the face of steadily sliding oil prices.
They were also less ambitious and constantly fought among themselves for the increasingly powerless lord of confederacy.
Why are the seas being polluted, why are nuclear weapons proliferating towards a holocaust, why do human beings feel increasingly powerless?
A. It is particularly vitriolic right now because people feel increasingly powerless.