The arrival of this virus may be only the beginning of a major predicament in an increasingly interconnected world.
In an increasingly interconnected world, an active, realistic, and effective foreign policy is more important than ever.
And thanks to years of hard work, we have global trading rules and institutions to help us mitigate conflicts in an increasingly interconnected world.
His vision has enabled the company to develop a unique online system that allows for rapid expansion in an increasingly interconnected world.
As an entity, it has itself become part of the increasingly interconnected "conversation" that exists among culture bloggers.
In an increasingly interconnected world, we must be vigilant, boldly meeting this challenge on every front.
Indeed, longtime Internet executives muse about potential technical disasters in an increasingly interconnected world.
President Simmons has made internationalization a strategic priority for Brown to better prepare its students for the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly interconnected world.
Our growing interdependence includes the opportunity to explore and reap the benefits of the far frontiers of science and the increasingly interconnected economy.
In our increasingly interconnected world, the actions and decisions of ordinary citizen are more likely to affect others across the globe than ever before.