Achieving absolute perfection may be impossible and so, as increasing effort results in diminishing returns, further activity becomes increasingly inefficient.
This significantly reduced the cost to licence-payers of the BBC's historic, but increasingly inefficient, resource base.
Scalability issue: The protocol gets increasingly inefficient with the number of contacts.
"Just throwing water on fields to grow grass or to grow cotton is increasingly inefficient and uneconomic."
In the early 2000s, industry infrastructure was increasingly inefficient because of technological lags.
The practical result of such policies is an increasingly inefficient system of book provision, leading gradually to an inadequate stock.
The increasingly profit inefficient US economy is the primary reason for its rapid decline as an economic superpower.
This will result in an increasingly inefficient workforce whose objectives no longer correspond to the organization they work for.
By then it had become an increasingly inefficient bottleneck owing to the growing traffic on the line between Lithgow and Sydney.
But most larger trades are delivered to the specialist on the floor of the exchange by human brokers, a system that big investors view as increasingly inefficient.