The letters grow increasingly incoherent, fragmented and profane as Mr. Lish spends his days lying in his late wife's mechanized bed, gripping the "letterboard " she used to communicate.
Becoming increasingly incoherent under the strain, he said:
He insisted he was right and our conversation began to sound like one of those increasingly incoherent exchanges in a Martin Scorsese movie: What?
Her speech was becoming increasingly incoherent.
As the team faces off against belligerent British sailors, aggressive Aussies and a pair of Teutonic bingers known as Hammacher and Schlemmer, the movie, like its characters, becomes increasingly incoherent.
Alex is then attacked from three sides by Peter, Richie and an increasingly incoherent Boris.
Hanson described letters from Speedwagon as "increasingly incoherent."
As he grew older, his eccentricities intensified, he became increasingly incoherent, and by 1895 he was declared insane.