Who says that America is becoming an increasingly impersonal and isolated society?
They say they offer a sense of stability and tradition in a quickly changing and increasingly impersonal world.
After Big Bang, private clients discovered that stockbrokers were offering them an increasingly impersonal service.
"In an increasingly impersonal world, people don't have time for each other," he said.
But, in general, the relationship with the customer became increasingly impersonal and large stores operating on a national scale created centralised customer service departments to deal specifically with complaints.
He describes festivals as increasingly impersonal and business-oriented, adding that they do little to develop the artistry and intellect of aspiring tap dancers.
There had been a camaraderie among students then, one forged out of shared concerns and a horror of a society that had turned increasingly impersonal.
His escapades usually involved clashes with technology and the problems of living in an increasingly impersonal and gadgetized world.
Doctor's appointments have become increasingly impersonal, with limited one-on-one time with healthcare professionals.
Above all, the Eighties has seen music becoming increasingly industrialised, and increasingly impersonal.