Still, their reappearance highlights anew the weakness of the nation's banks, which foreign financial institutions are increasingly holding at arm's length.
But inside the family structure they are increasingly holding the purse strings and gaining authority.
Elected officers need to be concerned because the courts are increasingly holding the owners - sometimes the co-op corporation or the condominum association - responsible.
Now, as clients increasingly hold agencies accountable for effective ads, the researchers are being eagerly sought out.
For young Italians, however, unions increasingly hold little appeal, as smokestack industries yield to service-based economy.
The upshot is that amateurs are increasingly holding themselves to professional standards and producing significant innovations and discoveries.
Polygyny was on the decline, and women were increasingly holding key posts in government, industry and academia.
Yet such failures were neither final nor decisive and Hanoi seemed to increasingly hold the upper hand.
Large broker-dealers, which increasingly held the great majority of customer balances, used the Alternative Method.
Modern theologians increasingly hold to the view that the human being is an indissoluble unity.