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Mart's friend looked increasingly furious.
He became increasingly furious.
He rode the Ways for three hours, increasingly furious at this simple, easy problem that had him stopped cold.
The increasingly furious warriors of the Jihad traveled from stronghold to stronghold, closing in on the central machine world of Corrin.
His only hope at this point lay in movement, and he vaulted and spun between the increasingly furious bursts of fire like a scared but determined random particle.
Let Chase appear as Hurtt's sponsor, and that would be the end of Chase's increasingly furious drive for the presidency.
Within the passage of a breath, the way was clear to where Giogi mocked the increasingly furious wizard.
Three weeks of increasingly furious work led her back to an inescapable conclusion.
Emily, however, did not appear to notice; her smile had faded and she looked confused, upset, and increasingly furious.
Bluto, however, has grown increasingly furious with Olive's absence, eventually flying into a rage and destroying the house ("I'm Mean").