Critics note its relation to the increasingly extreme trend in Asian cinema and its similarity to reality television.
As we descend the evolutionary ladder, our behaviour becomes, increasingly extreme.
In recent years, controversy has arisen about the safety of increasingly extreme rides.
His monumental mistake was to endorse the use of force to bring the increasingly extreme Donatists back to the church.
But then she starts demanding increasingly extreme acts as proof of his love, culminating in a murder.
Even the owners of Stella Artois seem to be unhappy about our increasingly extreme drinking culture.
The fish eludes him and the monk gets rather agitated as he tries increasingly extreme ways of catching the fish.
Small areas of land (islands basically), with inconsistent front patterns suffer from increasingly extreme weather.
Her husband accommodates her masochism with increasingly extreme and bizarre rituals.
Rallies, organized partially by Likud, became increasingly extreme in tone.