On the representative front, however, the Somali community has become increasingly engaged in local politics.
First, it documents the way that, since Abstract Expressionism, certain strains of art have become increasingly engaged with the outside world.
But the efforts stem, too, from indications that young people, the targets of many of these campaigns, are increasingly engaged in politics.
We are in the dark at first, sifting for clues, but becoming increasingly engaged in their emotional responses.
Britain was increasingly engaged in an arms race with Germany, and in 1908, asked the colonies for help with the navy.
Some union officials hope it will better address the concerns of labor, which has been increasingly engaged in immigration policy in recent years.
But many van operators insist that the law will promote the skirmishing in which they have increasingly engaged with the transit and city police.
Local governments and traditional authorities are increasingly engaged in rent-seeking, collecting license fees with the help of the police or army.
Socially conscious organizations are increasingly engaged in a practice known as hacktivism.
Its members are increasingly engaged in it, influential figures sound it out and as a result it is acquiring growing political importance.