Increasingly disturbed, Eric begins cutting himself in an effort to remove the vines which he believes have infested his body.
While I'm on my own soap box, I am increasingly disturbed by some of the posts being deleted.
Tryon was deeply closeted and grew increasingly disturbed by Donovan's notoriety.
Every time that Miaoshan came home, Suchee grew increasingly disturbed by the changes in her daughter.
As a Democrat I am increasingly disturbed by her shift to the right.
Increasingly disturbed, he searches a book for answers.
Trelkovsky attempts to adapt to his situation, but is increasingly disturbed by the apartment and its tenants.
As the day wears on, he is increasingly disturbed by their disappearance and starts to worry that Cyrus has been messing with him the whole time.
Christine took a few hesitant steps toward him, increasingly disturbed by that blank expression.
Glyneth became increasingly disturbed by the quality of Carfilhiot's attention.