Angry Democrats insisted that a witness parade led by Ms. Lewinsky could only prolong a trial that the public was increasingly disgusted with.
Eleanor grew increasingly disgusted with DeSapio's political conduct through the rest of the 1950s.
It's hard to imagine a more loathsome collection of people outside of Mr. Ellis's last novel, the repellent "American Psycho," and the reader slogs through this volume becoming increasingly disgusted.
In the past few decades, voters have become vastly better informed, more centrist, more sophisticated, and increasingly disgusted with the negative tone of our politics.
As in neighboring Venezuela and Peru, the population here is growing increasingly disgusted with the traditional party system, in which power alternates between Liberals and Conservatives.
Fellow member Amphibian becomes increasingly disgusted with the Squadron's methods, especially the behavior modification technology; his disillusionment eventually leads him to not only leave the Squadron, but abandon the surface world altogether.
At the same time, the campaigns, aware that polls show voters increasingly disgusted with personal attacks, are becoming more aggressive in painting each other as the offending party.
James often wore tight jeans and t-shirts, and grew increasingly disgusted with Nicholas's protruding gut.
We can have four years of stasis, with no real government action on our pressing problems, Democrats blaming Republicans and vice versa, the public increasingly disgusted with all of us.
Kay grows increasingly disgusted with Michael's criminal life; in particular, she is appalled that Michael's button men have become Anthony's closest playmates.